A Month-Long Look at Where Movies are Filmed in Manhattan's eclectic and diverse neighborhoods

How to Read The Map- The different colors represent different kinds of movies:
small green map dotDrama small purple map dotRomance small yellow map dotComic small blue map dot Comedy small red map dot Action

Show Me The Money! - The Average Income of the Area (by Zip Code) Where a Specific Type of Movie was Filmed

As expected, Romance, often filmed in the Upper East Side and around Central Park, used the areas, which had the highest level of income from its residents. Katie Holmes kissing her latest co-star in Chinatown just doesn't make cinematic sense.

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The "City That Never Sleeps" Lacks Action!

Surprisingly, only two different action films, 'Tracers' and 'Beware The Night' were shot in Manhattan over the past month. Looks like the tight Avenues and skyscrapers don't allow for explosions or epic battles.

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Love Comics? - Head Downtown!

Downtown Manhattan, especially the Financial District, is a haven for Comic Movies. Both 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' and 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' were filmed for weeks at a time near Wall Street, Water Street, Exchange Place and Lower East Side.